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Broken Tusk (Predators) Review
Broken Tusk
Predators (Neca)This was a long awaited figure for me, given the original Aliens Versus Predator comic run is probably my favorite comic series of all time. The figure is essentially the Ultimate Jungle Hunter Predator mold NECA tends to reuse a lot, which is justified given he looked a lot similar in build to the Jungle Hunter in the comic series, too. Some pieces of the armor such as the wristblade gauntlet, belt, and knee guards are new sculpts, the rest of the armor is a reuse of the Kenner homage Stalker Predator they had released in series 16, but again this reuse is justified given his appearance in the comic.

He includes his burner gun, which is nice and pretty comic accurate, though I feel it should have included some ammo on the sling given it was present in the comic. A blast effect would have been nice addition, as well, but this was a standard release, so I can understand why that wasn't included. I do give them points for using a unique more comic accurate design for the burner instead of reusing the one the Renegade Predator had, which they could have easily done. He also has his unique spear, which splits just like in the comic. It would have been cool if they'd included an alternate left hand for him to hold both blades separately as shown in some of the official comic art. It is possible to do with some effort, but the left hand is open to wide and it easily slips or falls out. One could argue the armor is inaccurate in places, but his appearance differed from panel to panel, so I think this is a good recreation in figure form.

My two biggest qualms with this figure are 1. It should have been an ultimate figure, and 2. The paint job leaves a lot to be desired. When I say he should have been an ultimate figure, I mean that he should have had more accessories as I'd previously mentioned and especially an alternate unmasked head given his namesake and the distinguishing broken tusk he had in the comic. The masked head is good, but he should have had options for both in my opinion, especially given he was a main character in the comic and the first Predator protagonist we'd seen. As for the paint job, it just felt lazy. I know they were going for somewhat of a comic style, but it didn't even look as good as previous comic style releases IMO. Some parts like the neck and the area under his belt weren't even painted at all (the latter of which annoyed me the most. Also for some reason some of his netting his green, which just felt like an odd choice.

I personally remedied all of my complaints with the figure by commissioning two other artists to repaint and modify them. All in all this is probably my favorite Predator figure, but it still has issues and could have been much better had NECA made it an ultimate release. Honestly my praises for it and high rating are from personal love for the character and the fact this is the only figure of him out there. I'd once hoped NECA would eventually do an ultimate reissue, but I doubt it at this point, as they barely do anything with the Predator franchise anymore aside from the occasional piece based on the films. Figures of the EU material have sadly seemed to have fallen from the spotlight.

      4.5 stars by Dark Fire Action Figure Art

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