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Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan) (Indiana Jones - Adventure Series) Review
Indiana Jones (Club Obi Wan)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro)The fact we have a Club Obi Wan Indy at all is pretty great. It's one of the most iconic scenes in perhaps the entire trilogy. It's been reported that Spielberg wanted to do a James Bond film. Unable to do so you can tell Spielberg wanted to pay homage to 007 and hey he finally did get Bond in Indiana Jones in Last Crusade with Sean Connery.

The parallels are hard to ignore and the white suit Indy wears is a homage to Connery's Bond. The figure is notable for a few reasons. It initially was an exclusive and pretty difficult to find. Preorders for the figure from what I had read were canceled before the figure even hit shelves at Target.

The figure does reuse parts from other figures but that white jacket makes him instantly stand out. (Don't store him with Toht's black suit as paint transfer can happen as I have seen on Reddit). Club Obi Wan Indy has a number of accessories including the diamond (which honestly would have been better for a Club Obi Wan Willie), a vial of antidote, and the urn of the remains of Nurhachi who is a really small guy. In fact Nurhachi isn't the only thing that is small. The vial of antidote and the diamond are absolutely tiny. So you will want to take care not to lose them.

The more fun accessories are the skewer with flaming chickens and the sword Indy uses to cut the gong and escape.

It's great that we have this figure, but it also highlights just how much of a missed opportunity this line is. No Willie or Lao Che? Come on. I might understand Mola Ram (though I still think they left money on the table). But to have Indy and not have the other characters these accessories would serve is kind of a let down.

On the upside this figure makes for a pretty good Connery Bond custom!

      4.25 stars by Wes68

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