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Doctor Jurgen Voller (Indiana Jones - Adventure Series) Review
Doctor Jurgen Voller
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro)Voller is one of the weaker offerings in the line compared to others. This is a problem that is typical of all the Dial figures which feel more like an afterthought than some of the other more ancillary characters like Kazim. Unlike Kazim who comes with three guns? Voller only comes with his satchel.

He does have removable glasses which does allow a pretty good likeness of Mikkelsen to be seen. The reason most will want to pick this up is for the included Grail table back piece. It is a sizable piece of plastic so it is something of a wash.

By comparison, Kazim doesn't have an artifact piece but feels more desirable because he frankly has a more interesting design up front. This is a "men in suits" line. And Voller doesn't break that mold. Kazim while in a suit looks distinct from others due to his paint job.

Voller is 'fine' if you are looking to complete the collection. But he lacks some of the excitement other figures have in the line. And as a villain he frankly is no Toht or Belloq who have iconic scenes. That's not really a fault of Mikkelsen when I feel even in the film he was sort of wasted. There was no gruesome scene as many Indy films had. Even Spalko from Crystal Skull had a more memorable end. I realize I am comparing to the films quite a bit but that's largely because Voller in the film is kind of forgettable and that's also pretty applicable to this figure.

      3 stars by Wes68

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