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Indiana Jones (Temple Escape) (Indiana Jones - Adventure Series) Review
Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro)The Temple Escape Indy is not bad persay. Indy is nicely detailed as is the case with the standalone Raider's Indy release.

The problem with the temple escape is that at the time of release it was frankly overpriced in my opinion. Originally it released for $40 US. With Indy's standalone release being $25 it meant you were paying $15 more for the plinth and a bag of sand accessory. It doesn't sound like it's too excessive for what is a set piece. That is until you realize that the temple escape Indy lacks the two extra sets of hands that the standalone Indy comes with. I feel like more could have been done to make this repackage of Indy stand out a bit more and give folks who bought the standalone Indy more incentive to double dip. A Satipo figure probably would have been asking a bit too much. But maybe they could have thrown in a torch with a dart in it or some spiders or an alternate face sculpt.

At any rate if you can snag it on sale? It's a decent set worth picking up. I got mine for $30 which meant I was only paying $5 more for the plinth and sandbag. The detail on the plinth is decent though I think a bit of a wash on the vegetation might have helped. The sandbag is nicely sculpted and the idol is the same that came with Indy. The plinth does allow it to be raised and lowered to re-enact the famous scene. It feels well built and will look nice in a larger collection of Indy figures. There's not more to be said as this is essentially a repackage with the central focus being the new set piece. Is it essential? No. Is it a nice addition if you can find it on discount? Sure.

      3 stars by Wes68

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Indiana Jones Adventure Series on eBay
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Short RoundSubmission OrderMarcus Brody / Rene Belloq (Ark Showdown)
Short RoundIndiana Jones - Adventure Series SeriesMarcus Brody / Rene Belloq (Ark Showdown)
Short RoundWritten by Wes68Marcus Brody / Rene Belloq (Ark Showdown)