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Short Round (Indiana Jones - Adventure Series) Review
Short Round
Indiana Jones - Adventure Series (Hasbro)Temple of Doom is underrepresented in the Adventure Series. So many key characters were outright ignored. Willie Scott, Lao Che, a Thugee Guard, and of course, Mola Ram are entirely absent. There is a whole discussion to be had about the 'controversies' surrounding the Temple of Doom, but that's for another time.

So while it is disappointing we didn't get those iconic characters? We thankfully did get Shortround. It should be noted that Shortround costs the same as the other 6" figures. Shortround is as you would expect, much shorter than 6". To Hasbro's credit, it does feel like they realized it would be a tough sell to ask the same price for Shortround as a full 6" figure without offering more.

Shortound as a result does come with a decent number of accessories (as well as a build-an-artifact piece for the Sankara shrine). The back of the box shows the hat, a voodoo doll, a torch, and a knife. But it is important to note that Shorty also comes with his Yankee's ball cap as well as a soft goods jacket.

Hasbro didn't pay for the license for the NY Yankees Logo so his ballcap just has a N on it. It's close enough in the same way NECA didn't pay for the Nike license for the Marty figure. The hat fits well and is removable. You also can put an Indy hat on Shortround, though it is too small for an Indy figure.

The softgoods jacket is ok. Softgoods on action figures can be tricky at times. It may look a bit odd on him, but it's not bad. You can remove it if you like and it is appreciated that it exists at all.

Shorty isn't as big as some of the other figures but he makes up for his diminutive size with some decent accessories as well as a variety of ways you can pose him. (His accessories are tiny so be careful not to lose them!)

      3.75 stars by Wes68

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Walter DonovanIndiana Jones - Adventure Series SeriesIndiana Jones (Temple Escape)
Walter DonovanWritten by Wes68Indiana Jones (Temple Escape)