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Kang (Simpsons (Super7)) Review
Simpsons (Super7) (Super7)Although Super7 chose a good starting lineup for their Simpsons line, with a mix of major and minor characters, the third wave was when things steered into an unusual direction. Mr. Burns and Ralph were expected, but not Kang and Kodos, with no figures of the family themselves. Sure, Playmates went a few waves of their line with none of the family, but Super7 doing such a thing this early was quite a gamble. The Rigelians are some of my favorite characters in the show, so I was happy to get them sooner than later, or not at all given the early death of the line.

One thing to note about the pair is that they come in huge boxes, and I mean huge. They aren't as big as Grimlock, but still rather tall and deep, though bear the same graphics as the rest of the line. There's a lot more stuff you have to get out on the inside, unfortunately; everything is held in with twisties and ties, including inside the domes, there's plastic around the necks, tape on the eyes, and rubber pieces on top of the domes. It's annoying to have to deal with all that, but once it's all removed, you'll find it's easy to take everything out and put it back once you're done with them.

Kang and Kodos look the same, and hypothetically, Super7 could've just done it as one figure that people can buy two of, but made the better choice to make them individual figures, but with different expressions. Brother Kang has a rather mischievous grin, clearly up to no good, while sister Kodos is more angry, as if she's ready to bite your head off. Both get an alternate laughing head, unique to each one, with Kodos' having an open eye and wider mouth. The heads are hollow, keeping the figures from being too heavy, but the sculpts are accurate to the characters, as are the colors. Granted, there's obvious seam lines running through the heads, and the paint suffers from sloppy edges and bleed here and there, but the overall look and finish is good, and making the eyes glossier makes them stand out a bit more.

While the heads are different, the bodies are mostly the same, with five tentacles on each: two long ones on the sides, two short ones in front, and a big one in the back. The tips of the long tentacles are different on both, which helps set the figures apart a bit more, but I feel making the other tentacles different sculpts from one another would make it easier to know who's who. The seams on the bodies aren't quite as obvious as those on the heads, and the inclusion of peg holes on the bottom baffles me, since these are figures that clearly won't have problems standing up. The base of the domes bear mostly clean paint, and the clear domes themselves are removable, but click in tight, and you won't have to worry about them falling off. What you will have to worry about is how easily the domes scuff up, mainly since the ears can get in the way of putting them on. These are certainly some of the biggest ultimates, standing 9" tall, and the domes bring them at around 11 1/4".

The less humanoid designs means Kang and Kodos won't have a lot of articulation, but they make up for it with a unique feature. The heads only swivel - not tilting here - but they swap easily. Kang's default head doesn't fit on as tightly on mine, and it coming off at random can be a nuisance. The long tentacles have three swivel/hinge joints on each, construing to shoulder, elbow, and wrist, and the short tentacles on front are also swivel/hinges. Now for the best part: the eyes move! They can look up and down, side to side, and all around, and it's nice that Super7 went ahead and did something special for the pair, and it certainly helps create some great looks on the shelf.

For accessories, the two both get a laughing head and an alternate head holding a ray gun, but that's where the similarities end. Kang gets an extra set of hands holding a fork and knife, along with the "EARTH CAPITAL" sign. The gun-holding hand has a peg in it, so it can hold the sign. He also has a pack-in of alien Maggie from THOH IX's "Starship Poopers," and at about 2 3/4" tall, she looks great. The skin is fully painted, and she has her little fang exposed, along with her pacifier on one of her tentacles. Her neck turns as well, allowing you to adjust the pose a bit. As for Kodos, she just gets alternate hands: one holding a salt shaker, one holding a serving tray, with a removable lid, and a hand holding a removable "How to Cook for Forty Humans" book, one of the more memorable gags from the show. There's a nice selection of extras overall, and both being able to use all of it is a plus, but the inclusion of a slingshot and/or board with a nail in it would've made them feel more complete.

Kang and Kodos both prove enjoyable figures; they're huge, look great, and come with plenty of good extras. The price, however, is a set back, and at $75 each, they're more likely out of your budget. I was able to get Kodos for much less than that, and chances are if you wait long enough, prices will drop, making the pair more tempting. I wouldn't wait for too long, because I feel these will be popular figures.

- 6/20/24

      4.3 stars by RMaster007

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