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Transformers - Legacy - United Reviews
Geocron (Infernac Universe)
Transformers - Legacy - United (Hasbro) - Core Class
Rated 4.00 stars by Karl T. Face
Haha, geological cycle. I wasn't into the Infernac figures when they started out- and, frankly, they didn't grow on me much. This was a cheap impulse buy, though, so here we are. Starting with 'bot mode as packaged, we have a pretty decent little rock duder. The smattering of robot bits among the stone are mostly a metallic purple, while the upper limbs, wheels, collar and "tail" are a somewhat darker, more metallic brown. The head is a delightfully simple rock face, like a minimalist Jack o' Lantern sculpture come to life. Or an animation cel, since it's based directly on a rock monster from the Headmasters series. Apart from the backpack, kibble is limited to some Arcee-esque shin wheels. Said backpack is my main gripe here. The front wheel fork (and half the cowling) hang off quite a...[See More]
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