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Toxic Crusaders Reviews
Psycho Toxic Crusaders (Playmates) - Basic Series Rated 3.75 stars by Karl T. Face Bet you didn't see this review coming.
The Evil Advisor is a pretty common trope in fiction, doubly so if the person they're advising is also evil. What set Toxic Crusaders apart is that Psycho, here, can actually tell the future, but the heroes' tactics are invariably so ridiculous that Dr. Killemoff assumes a bad reading every single time. No wonder this poor guy never seems to have much enthusiasm.
As was the house style at Playmates, while the toy looks like the character, it's somewhat extreme by comparison, with plenty of fun details. His double chin is spattered with red goo, chunks of green slime cling to his clothing, and his fully sculpted bellybutton is nearly lost in the folds of his stomach. He's got a slightly dazed look on his face, for whatever reason. Said face has lumpy...[See More]
Bonehead Toxic Crusaders (Playmates) - Basic Series Rated 4.50 stars by Karl T. Face Ladies and gentlemen, The 90s!
Toxic Crusaders was an anomaly. The latest in a long line of R-rated films to become a toned-down cartoon, but it was the first to carry a clear environmental theme. Captain Planet via Troma. Also, it was from Troma. Case in point: this half-skeletal neon biker punk.
The hideously deformed equivalent (of superhuman size and strength!) of the average Tromaville hooligan, this guy's rocking the full biker outfit in various colors ranging from dark purple to flame orange. Although there's no visible flesh on him, other than his incredibly withered face, the clothed parts are still pretty normal-shaped. Probably the only thing holding him together. As was the Playmates custom at the time, the sculptors far outstripped the paint budget, and there are an awful lot...[See More]