Customs |
Ada wong (resident evil 2) | |
Adversary | |
Alema Rar | Simple, effective, well done! |
Annihilus (2023) | |
Anole (Alpha Squad) | |
AoA WeaponX Villians | |
Arella (DC Comics) | |
Asgardian Wars Storm (Stormborn) | |
Au Armored El Dorado Evil-Lyn (not canon original idea) | |
Bag man | |
Barbara Kean (Gotham) | |
Bastion (X-Men 97) | |
Blade & Karen Jenson | |
Bloodstorm | |
Bloodstorm (not an accurate depiction) | |
Bryan Fury | |
Calvin & Hobbes | |
Captain America (Age of Ultron MCU) | |
Captain Britain (Betsy Braddock - From the Ashes) | |
Captain Planet | |
Carol Danvers and Gateway | |
Casandra Nova | |
Catseye | |
Cerebra X-Men 2099 | |
Chameleon Boy, Legion of Superheroes | |
Christian Frost | |
Colossus (Human Form) V2 | |
Colossus Gala Hellfire Marvel Legends | |
Constantine | |
Crystal | |
daimon hellstorm | |
Danny Phantom | |
Danny Phantom (Phantom Phase) | |
Darkness | This is impeccably done and amazing! |
Dazzler (Age of Apocalypse) V4 | |
Dr DOOM | |
Electra | |
Elsa//Sub-Zero crossover | |
Emma Frost (Astonishing Diamond Form) | |
Emma Frost (Hellfire Gala 2021) | |
Flemeth, Witch of the Wilds | |
Forrest Gump | |
Fury (Lyta Trevor) (DC comics) | |
goblin prince | |
Goblin Princess 2.0, Meggan | |
Goblin Queen | |
Goblin Queen (Mutant X) | |
God-Lyn | |
Greta Beltza | |
Havok (Mutant X) | |
Heores for Hope-Famine Rogue | |
Iceman (Bobby Drake) V3 | |
Jean grey | |
Jean Grey (From the Ashes) | |
Jean Grey (Movies) | |
Kano Vs Sonya Blade | |
Karma | |
Lucifer (dantes inferno game) | |
Madelyne Pryor (training uniform) | |
Magik | |
Magma V6 | |
Marvel Legends Storm | |
Marvin the Martian (Concept) | |
Medieval kraven | |
Medusa | |
Medusa | |
Medusa | |
Mephista | |
Moondragon | |
Moondragon | |
Mystique | |
Mystique (Days of Future Past) | |
Nakia | |
Nebula (MCU) | |
New 52 Poison Ivy | |
Night sisters | |
Nocturne (Exiles) V2 | |
Okoye and Ayo (Black Dress at UN) | |
Old Man Bishop (not an accurate depiction) | |
Onaga | |
Ororo Munroe (AKA: Storm) | |
Penance V4 | |
Pest Bug | |
Phoenix, Original Concept Art | |
Poison Ivy | Excellent modifications |
Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) | |
Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman) | |
Psylocke (From the Ashes) | |
Psylocke (X-Force) V3 | |
Puck (Gamma Flight uniform) | |
Queen Elmora (MOTU Classics) She-Demon of Phantos | |
Quicksilver (What If Quicksilver didn't die on MCU) | |
Rachel Summers, Phoenix | |
Roulette | |
S'ym | |
Scarlet Witch | |
Scarlet witch (updated as finished figure) | Very impressive work, especially sculpting and face painting. Well done! |
Secret Wars Enchantress | |
Secret Wars Spider-Woman | |
Shadow weaver | |
Siryn, Morrigan | This is simply amazing. |
Sith Lord Red Skull (What If...) | |
Skarlet | |
Songbird | |
Stevie Hunter (Uncanny X-Men #270) | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
Storm | |
STORM Outback X-men | |
Storm - Age of Apocalypse | |
Storm - Age of Apocalypse V2 | |
Storm - Age of Apocalypse V3 | |
Storm - Goddess of Thunder & Lightning | |
Storm - Regent of Mars | |
Storm (90's Cell Shaded) | |
Storm (Classic) | |
Storm (extraordinary) | |
Storm (First Appearance) V4 | |
Storm (Hellfire Gala 2021) | |
Storm (Jim Lee Black Variant) | |
Storm (Jim Lee suit) | |
Storm (Jim Lee Ver 3) | |
Storm (Jim Lee-ish) | |
Storm (Jim Lee) | |
Storm (Jim Lee) | |
STORM (joe Madureira ver.) | |
Storm (Marvel vs Capcom) V3 | |
Storm (Movies) | |
Storm (Onslaught Era) V2 | |
Storm (Ororo Munroe) | |
Storm (Ororo Munroe) | |
Storm (Ororo Munroe) | |
Storm (Outback Era) | |
Storm (Outback) | |
Storm (Outback) V2 | |
Storm (Outback) V3 | |
Storm (Punk) | |
Storm (Uncanny X-Men #270) | |
Storm (Unused Jim Lee Design) | |
Storm (Utopia) V2 | |
Storm (Wakanda Outfit) | |
Storm (X-Men Red) | |
Storm (X-Men Red) V2 | |
Storm (X-Treme X-Men) V3 | |
Storm (X-Treme X-Men) V4 | |
Storm 90’s Jim Lee/ Animated costume | |
Storm in Silver Outfit (Princess of Power style) | |
Storm in white outfit (Princess of Power style) | |
Storm Outback | |
Storm punk version | |
Storm v2 | |
Storm-Sphinx reality | |
Storm(Ororo Munroe) | |
Sunspot | |
Sunspot (X-Force #44) | |
Thanos MSH | |
The Beyonder (Armoured) | |
The Goblin Prince, Havok, Battleworld Variant | |
The Goblin Princess, Meggan, Excalibur | |
The Lady Dorma (concept) | Absolutely phenomenal execution and detailing. Superb! |
The Twins - Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch (Age of Ultron - MCU) | |
Thor Storm | |
Trevor Fitzroy (Crystal Armour) | |
Unuscione (Acolyte) V3 | |
Urbanized stylings:Bride of Frankenstein April | |
Valhalla Valkyrie Hildr | |
Wallflower | |
White Witch, Legion of Superheroes | |
WildC.A.T.s | |
Wolfsbane (New Mutants #93) | |
Wonder Woman | |
Yelena Belova | |
Zaladane (Original) | |
Custom Tutorials |
Extending Neck Pegs | |
Medusa Hair Tutorial | So, so funny and helpful :) |