DC Multiverse Customs
Dyna-Mite (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
I really wanted to find a mini with some level of articulation, but no such luck. I dug deep and searched everywhere I could think of and just couldn't find anything. But I get it. Even when I...[See More]
Peacemaker (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
It's been two years since I've posted a Peacemaker, so even though there are no design updates, it's still a good time to post another one. Especially since he was added to Mortal Kombat 1 a few...[See More]
Crimson Avenger (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
Getting close to the end of my run of the Seven Soldiers of Victory plus one. Removed the bracers on Magneto and added a piece of craft foam for the head fin. Shining Knight will be the last one to...[See More]
Dick Grayson / Nightwing ("Discowing") (DC Multiverse)
by Fade
Trying my shot at a discowing mod because I'm not sure if there are any 7 inch scale ones... I just used the McFarlane Titans figure (which showed him in his black rebirth suit), apoxied the...[See More]
Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham (DC Multiverse)
by stasiaki
Base figure is McFarlane's Next Batman, Dark Knight Metal Batman arms and legs, head, belt and boots are 3d printing....[See More]
Wing (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
Wing is kind of the Plus One from the Seven Soldiers of Victory plus one. I really debated on making him as the character seems a poor stereotype. I decided to give him a go and see how it turns out....[See More]
Green Arrow (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
Rounding out the archers for the Seven Solders of Victory is Green Arrow. I have to admit, this was never really my favorite version of him, not sure why. Maybe it was the lack of the goatee. Making...[See More]
Speedy (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
I really like the Rey body for shorter or younger characters. He is a bit ripped in most cases for someone younger but I really like the height. Green Stuff for the clothing details and the cap. So I...[See More]
Vigilante (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
Continuing with the Seven Soldiers of Victory, for Vigilante I removed Hood's jacket and resculpted the shirt. Sculpted the pant cuffs and bandanna. The holsters came from Crossbones. The hat is...[See More]
Jason Todd / Red Hood (DC Multiverse)
by Fade
Jason Todd as the Red Hood... I kept it pretty simple and didn't get rid of any details on the original action figure with apoxie at all. Possibly the easiest mod I've done :P The costume inspo was...[See More]
Stripey (DC Multiverse)
by YBulltois
Next for the Seven Soldiers of Victory is Stripey. Popped off his hair and re-sculpted his hair and collar and then a re-paint. Speedy is on the worktable....[See More]
Harley Quinn (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
An update I've long hoped to make! A recurring theme with all those pieces I made on the old Marvel bodies. There's at least one other Harley design I'm hoping to get to, as well. But I'm not sure...[See More]
Ramulus (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
Another deeply obscure DC villain. This one controlling plant life, so we had to give him a vine accessory. He was specifically a Sandman villain and a member of the Monster Society of Evil. So, he's...[See More]
Hal Jordan green lantern (DC Multiverse)
by TheJ0aker
Bullseye for most of it. Sculpted on symbol and ring with a head cast. I went for a mix of his two most recent looks with the white boots from right before his current run...[See More]
Nightwing (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
I don't like sharing repeat designs so close together, but this one is pretty different, so I think it still works. I hate working on this build, though. One of those I took on simply because of how...[See More]
Ultraman Red (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
Oh yeah, this works much better in red. If they ever revisit the Superman Blue design, they should put him against Ultraman Red. It works as the Red variant was supposed to embody his anger. I think...[See More]
Deadshot 2.0 (DC Multiverse)
by Iron Will
So the original Deadshot costume is a favorite of mine. I was very happy with the results of my first go around but never got around to making another version after I purged my collection a few...[See More]
Lobo (DC Multiverse)
by Vagabond-art-studio
SO this is an old one I did a few months ago, and it's mostly a repaint of Mcfarlane's nice but lacking in guns lobo. A lot of people have criticized his headscupt (don't worry, they made two new...[See More]
Superman Blue - Electric Superman (DC Multiverse)
by Dioraman
Long before McFarlane anounced their own Superman Blue figure, I needed this representation on my shelf, so I took the Superman AC#1000 form the same company and made a copy on epoxy resin. Then...[See More]
Wally West Flash (DC Multiverse)
by TheJ0aker
Marvel legends crossfire figure, and a head cast. Sculpted on the symbol and painted. Pretty happy with this one...[See More]
Grifter (DC Multiverse)
by TheJ0aker
Body, arms, and gun belts came from gi Joe classified figures. Coat from a seller on eBay and the head was a head cast. Enjoy...[See More]
Doomsday (DC Multiverse)
by Dioraman
Hey! I wanted a Doomsday closer to the 90's original look during the events of The Death of Superman, according to the excellent drawings from Dan Jurgens, Butch Guice, Tom Grummett and others....[See More]
Metallo (DC Multiverse)
by Dioraman
Hi! This is my first post ever, although I've been a fan of this page for a very long time. This is my Custom Metallo Figure, using JL Cyborg's body and ML Taskmaster for the head. Reesculpted his...[See More]
Supergirl (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
This has been a solid year of revisiting pieces. I think I've said that before, too. When DC really started taking off for me, I was making everything I could. At the time, it was very expensive...[See More]
Robin (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
Finally, a Robin! I'm not sure if I'll get to revisit Tim Drake, but I'm glad I got to at least recreate the Dick Grayson variant. Focusing specifically on his animated design, which is definitely...[See More]
Nightwing (DC Multiverse)
by Dravenheart
Nightwing's always fun, and I'm always glad when he comes up, but man, I miss making Robin pieces. I remember hoping that Titans would inspire some Robin love, but sadly no. Not in my commissions, at...[See More]
Negative Man (DC Multiverse)
by Iron Will
This was just a random pull. Always liked this concept and again this is another pretty basic design. Head - McFarlane Hush Body - ML Vulcan...[See More]
Red Hood (DC Multiverse)
by Slasher 2.0
used the ray from mattel dc multiverse added some arms from marvel legends vision and just some sculpt and paint!...[See More]
Mr Freeze (DC Multiverse)
by Eddie Brock79
Repainting of McFarlane DC multiverse Mr. Freeze Figure. I wasn't a fan of the all white Figure. Even repainted the gun. Used acrylic paints and sealer...[See More]
Harley Quinn - Batman: White Knight Noir Costume (DC Multiverse)
by TheDemonsHead
Found an unmasked 3D printed head for sale and bought it up as this was a figure I've been wanting to make. I believe the head was meant for the classic costume or the trench coat but it works just...[See More]
Displaying customs 31 - 60