Wasp (Transformers - Animated) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:33072
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Transformers - Animated
Creator:Jin Saotome  
Date Added:September 25, 2011
Base Figure:Bumblebee
Height:6.00 inches
I was pretty bummed when I heard Fugitive Waspinator wasn't coming out anymore so I decided to make my own. He was made from a deluxe Bumblebee body with head sculpted to look like Wasp using Aves Apoxie sculpt. I modded the stingers to fold all the way inside his arms and gave him a Stinger Blast so he could zap Sentinel prime. His basecoat was Tamiya Lacquer Metallic Green tho there's a Testors One Coat Lacquer that's metallic green you can pick up at most Micheal's Crafts or Hobby Lobby that's just as good. I digibashed up how he would look with an autobot symbol and teal eyes as he appeared in Autobot boot camp. Without further delay, here's Wasp!

User Comments
Drabstor -
Monday, September 26, 2011
amazing work!! excellent paint job!
Wakeangel2001 -
Monday, September 26, 2011
I can't get over how crisp that sculpt on the face is, it's so smooth and angular. The stinger effect is really cool too.
JmTrtt -
Monday, September 26, 2011
Good job, as always!
jarasa1 -
Sunday, September 25, 2011
What a beauty!
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