Batman (DC Multiverse) Custom Action Figure
A bit of a monumental post. I've made and posted Batman designs a bunch in the past, so there is really nothing more to say about him. Making him the appropriate choice for post 3000. It brings a lot to mind. How long I've been making pieces, how long I've been posting here, my various thoughts about moving on to other things, and what my actual completion count is. There's so much I never got to post here. It's already been a very reminiscent year for me, and I really don't know how to compress months of thought into one post. It's been a crazy long run. I started learning in 2009, just because it seemed like fun. Something I had already done as a kid on my vintage GI Joes. In 2012, in a point of desperation, I decided to give selling them a shot. 12 and a half years later.... here I am. A guy with absolutely horrendous luck in life, and somehow, I made this work. It won't last forever, but at least when I'm done, I'll look back on what I accomplished with pride. Head was from the Infinite Heroes Batman. Hands were cut and pegged to properly fit the arms and still move. Lower legs were from Daredevil. Sculpted the belt, gauntlets, and the full cape! Full repaint, and all done!  Please wait... |
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