Spawn camo (Spawn) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:118769
Name:Spawn camo
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Spawn
Date Added:August 16, 2024
Base Figure:Spawn , hush
Height:7.00 inches
Articulation:22 points
Hi realmers!! Spawn camouflage Made with a 7 inch spawn top and Hush legs, the legs have a cut in the thighs and a screw is inserted to give it a little more height since they were a little shorter than the spawn figure. It has been used to sculpt the classic spawn pockets on both legs. Also sculpted the malebolgia symbol on the back after removing the cape. Backpack adapted from a 1 euro military figure to which some sculpture and magnets are added to put on and take off from the back. Abdomen bags taken from Batman infected to which one more bag has been added in the central part cloned with epoxy and black elastic strips sewn as suspenders. Shoulder pads made from plastic to which some toothpicks have been glued like the classic spawn iron tips. Painted Batman night vision glasses designed by Todd Mcfarlane. Hand gun holster on the leg made of plastic and sculpted epoxy bags with added magnets to remove and put on and a short weapon adapted to its handle from another figure. Painted with Vallejo and sealed with Cita del. Thanks for watching.

User Comments
Von Awesome Customs -
Friday, August 16, 2024
This is really impressive! Great sculpt work!
Amaru -
Friday, August 16, 2024
Thank you very much, a pleasure that you take the time to look and leave a comment, greetings!!!
Bedlam610 -
Friday, August 16, 2024
Super dope a tactical styled Spawn just the flavor I like the usage of the greens look superb good work dude 👍👍👍
Amaru -
Friday, August 16, 2024
Hey buddy!
I have so many Spawns in their classic red and black color that I usually do the customs with other color variations so as not to saturate the display case so much and give a little more life to my collection.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit the custom and leave a few words.
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