Scarecrow (Batman) Custom Action Figure
Custom #:114815
Custom Type:Action Figure
Toy Series:Batman
Date Added:January 11, 2023
Base Figure:Mcfarlane DC Multiverse Scarecrow , White Knight joker, King Robin and a McFarlane my hero Academia figure
Height:7.00 inches
The head is a custom 3D print purchased off of eBay. New headsculpt is a three d print and prepaint purchased off ebay

The body is a McFarlane toys My Hero Academia figure.

The arms and jacket are the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse last Knight Scarecrow.

Legs are McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse White Knight Joker.

Hands and boots are McFarlane toys DC Multiverse King Robin.

New head sculpt
He got a new head sculpt because he fell off my shelf and his hat and neck snapped.
User Comments
Brucutu -
Thursday, January 12, 2023
Great use of parts. Very clean, reminded me of a fortnite version of him.
TheLegendsCollector -
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Thanks! I actually used a fortnite scythe. The one in fortnite is not the Batman villain Scarecrow. It's just a scarecrow.
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