Customs by ZioWolvie
Carnage (Venom)
by ZioWolvie
Two years ago I made a Custom of Carnage from the film but I wasn't convinced. I took Carnage and redoing the tentacles , now the are full articulated, sculpting a second screaming head and I did...[See More]
Superior Spiderman (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Superior Spiderman custom. Since it's now sold out and costs a fortune, I decided to make it myself. I used Superior Octopus as base, sculpted the bracelets and eyes. For the mechanical legs I used...[See More]
Peter Parker earth 21205 (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Peter Parker earth 21205 custom figure. I used Hobgoblin Toy Biz, removed the cape and replaced the hood with the appropriately modified Tascknaster MCU figure. I built a glider and created the...[See More]
Doc Octopus (Spider-Man - Movie)
by ZioWolvie
Hi everyone, this is my latest custom, to be precise the Doc Octopus tentacles. I used some thick garden wire, lots of cable ties and… Lego. Finally I made the glasses and painted everything with...[See More]
Ork (Warhammer)
by ZioWolvie
I'm not a Warhammer 40k fan but McFarlane has made some really beautiful action in two versions, the base to be colored and the one already colored. I chose the one to color and the result is this....[See More]
Venom (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Venom Spidernan2 from ps5 custom figure. I used the body and hands from Venom Marvel Legends and the arms from Venom Movie. I sculpted the three heads and the teeth. I painted everything with acrylic...[See More]
Venomized kratos (God of War)
by ZioWolvie
Venomized Kratos custom figure. I used the chest and head from Venom Marvel Legends and the torso, legs and arms from Venom Marvel Select and the head of Kratos from Neca. I built the blades of chaos...[See More]
Red Goblin (Venom)
by ZioWolvie
Red Goblin and his glider. I used Blizzard's body, Carnage's hands and feet and the Goblin's head from the movie. I sculpted the teeth, the eyebrows and the tentacles. The glider is a skeleton from...[See More]
Slender Men (Horror)
by ZioWolvie
Slender man custom figure. I used Spider pizza as base and the hands of a bootleg Spiderman. I stretched out arms and legs. The clothes are made with paper tape. I created the tentacles with fine...[See More]
Evil Spiderman symbiote (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Evil Spiderman symbiote from "Spiderman 2" for ps5. I used Gambit's body and Spiderman's head. I created the veins with hot glue and dirtied the symbol with glue to make it more rough. Finally I...[See More]
Invincible (Invincible)
by ZioWolvie
Ivincible custom figure. I used Spiderman's body and Gambit's head. I painted everything with acrylic paints and added the blood with red nail polish. Hope you like it...[See More]
Kaido (One Piece)
by ZioWolvie
kaido from One Piece custon figure. I used the Green Goblin's BAF and Captain America's lower legs. I sculpted the horns and hair. for the cape I used a piece of eco fur. Finally I painted everything...[See More]
Spider Punk (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Spider Punk "Across the Spiderverse" custom figure. I used Captain Mar-vell toy biz body. I sculpted the head and the toe of the amphibians. Amphibians, trousers, shirt and gillet are made with...[See More]
Wolverine (Deadpool)
by ZioWolvie
Logan movie costume castom figure. I used Doctor Strange's body and Wolverine's head. I sculpted all the details and added the metal claws. Finally I painted everything with acrylic colors. It's not...[See More]
Moon Knight (Marvel Knights)
by ZioWolvie
Moon knight custom figures. I used Black Panther Marvel Select. every single bandage was made with strips of paper tape. I carved the chest and the symbol that can be pulled out. Finally I painted...[See More]
Spiderman Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
Spiderman Miles Morales from the movie "In to the Spider-verse". I used The Amazing Spiderman 2 body and the head of a Spiderman toy. I tried to be as faithful as possible with the colors of the...[See More]
Gunslinger Spawn (Spawn)
by ZioWolvie
Gunslinger Spawn custom action figure. I used Sone Cold's wwe elite body. I sculpted the boots. I built the coat, hat and various accessories. I built the guns with small pieces of wood. Finally I...[See More]
Angel Spawn (Spawn)
by ZioWolvie
Angel Spawn custom figures. I used Venom's body, I sculpted the foot and all the parts of the costume. The head I sculpted from zero. The wings are made with wire and paper tape, while the feathers...[See More]
Cosmo (Guardians of the Galaxy)
by ZioWolvie
Cosmo custom figure. I used marvel select Hawkeye's dog, sculpted the suit and added the plexiglass helmet. Finally I painted everything with acrylic colors. Hope you like it....[See More]
Afro samurai (Afro Samurai)
by ZioWolvie
Afro samurai custom figure. I used superior spiderman marvel Legends body, Logan Marvel Legends head and the thinker Figma hands. I made the hair with cotton and colored it black. The sword,...[See More]
Batman Beyond (Batman Beyond)
by ZioWolvie
Hi guys, this is my Batman Beyond custom figure. I used Black Panther as base, sculpted the ears, the toes of the boots, the belt and created the wings with plasticard. Finally I painted with...[See More]
Kratos (God of War)
by ZioWolvie
Ispired by a Kratos seen on a Youtube video I created my own cartoon style Kratos. I used Thor toy box, took off hair and sculpted the head and beard. I also decreased feet and calves because they...[See More]
Carnage (Spider-Man)
by ZioWolvie
I like the Carnage of the toy biz but in my opinion there are some things missing to enhance it. I painted and adapted the accessories of Venom Marvel Legends and the head appropriately resized and...[See More]
Akuma (Street Fighter)
by ZioWolvie
Akuma custom figure. Body: Venom marvel Legends, head: Cottonmouth marvel Legends. I sculpted the hair and created the two kimonos and pants with paper tape. Typical Japanese sandals are made of wood...[See More]
Titan Joker (Batman - Arkham City)
by ZioWolvie
Titan Joker custom figure. Recipe: Venom marvel select arms, hands, torso, legs. Venom marvel Legends chest, feet. Head: Joker. I sculpted part of the torso and head, the hair and the pants, added...[See More]
Venom (Venom)
by ZioWolvie
This is the Venom that Select was supposed to make. To make it I used the chest, feet, head and hands of Venom Select, the rest: arms, torso and legs are from Venom Legends. a small painted symbol...[See More]
Escanor (Anime)
by ZioWolvie
Escanor custom figure. I used Cottonmouth as base and the head of a WWE wrestler. I sculpted the mustache,the hair and the pants. I built the Rhitta ax with wood and the cruel sun with a ball and hot...[See More]
Luke Cage (Marvel Legends)
by ZioWolvie
Luke Cage custom figure. I used Bobby Leshley elite as a base. I sculpted the beard, the undershirt and the pants. I created the traps on the clothes and in the end I painted everything with acrylic...[See More]
Sinister Strange (Marvel Legends)
by ZioWolvie
Inspired by a custom I saw here I used Astral Stange as a base, sculpted the hair and part of the dress, the closed darkhold and the open one. I created the magical effects and in the end I painted...[See More]
Logan (X-Men)
by ZioWolvie
Logan custom figure.I used Hawkeye marvel select. I left the patches on the face to make it look battered. I sculpted the pecs and abs. I made the tank top and the belt with the paper tape and...[See More]
Displaying customs 1 - 30