Customs by csuperstar
Jim Rockford the Rockford Files James Garner (Movie Maniacs)
by csuperstar
Jim Rockford made from a Baron Corbin WWE Figure with a modded Mattel Disney Atlantis Rourke figure. I based the figure on some Rockford Cartoon artwork found online. Revolver is from Dick Tracy...[See More]
Superman the Arcade Game 1988 (Superman)
by csuperstar
Superman from the 1988 Arcade game. I really liked the Justice League video game figure just not the mullet head. So I swapped the head with the more classic looking Superboy Prime, painted to match...[See More]
Roland Deschain The Dark Tower Gunslinger (Dark Tower)
by csuperstar
DST Gunslinger with a custom Clint Eastwood head from Carnage on Ebay. Painted with Citadel paints and based on the cover of the last book of the series....[See More]
Thomas Magnum p.i. Tom Selleck (Movie Maniacs)
by csuperstar
Thomas Magnum from the original Magnum p.I. I used a NECA Carter Burke body and head from Carnage on ebay....[See More]
Hawkeye Last of the Mohicans Daniel Day Lewis (Movie Maniacs)
by csuperstar
Cast head from ebay with added hair from WWE Chad Gable, Tonto body with Blade Runner wallace Gi and upper arms. Rifle from Pirates of the Caribbean Gibbs and ML blast effect....[See More]
Tyler Owens Twisters Glen Powell Tornado Wrangler (Movie Masters)
by csuperstar
AEW Hangman Adam Page on discount and had a spare Alias Michael Vaughn head. Cowboy hat from WWE Terry Funk...[See More]
Steve Mcgarrett/Jack Lord Classic Hawaii Five 0 (Marvel Universe)
by csuperstar
Jack Lord from Hawaii Five 0. I used a Marauder body and Hyperion head slightly modded to look more like Lord....[See More]
The Dukes of Hazzard Bo and Luke Duke (Dukes of Hazzard)
by csuperstar
Bo was made from a GI Joe Duke torso and Shipwreck legs+ ML Boots. Luke was made from a ML Hood and JJJ feet. Both have ML bows and arrows and sculpts purchased form Carnage on ebay. Hope yall like...[See More]
James Gunn's Superman Legacy David Corenswet (Superman)
by csuperstar
Jae Lee Superman body with a custom Corenswet head I purchased off ebay. Modded the final image and included the original figure pics....[See More]
Punch Out!! King Hippo (Punch-Out!)
by csuperstar
Wanted a King Hippo to fight my ML scale Little Mac. I used a WWE Mattel Otis head, Classic TV Gloves and Shorts, Modded Snitsky head....[See More]
Little Mac Mike Tyson's Punch Out Nintendo (Punch-Out!)
by csuperstar
Little Mac in Marvel Legends Scale. Head is a modded Fortnite Deo, body Soldiers Story, boots 2009 Trek Kirk, Clothes from ebay/classictvtoys....[See More]
Mr. T Animated NBC Cartoon Series figure (WWE)
by csuperstar
Mr T from the animated cartoon series! Swapped the boots with the Million Dollar Man and painted a Bob Orton Vest blue....[See More]
ROCKY III Rocky Balboa Sylvester Stallone Champion figure (Rocky)
by csuperstar
Rocky III based on the NECA champion Rocky Figure. Head purchased from Ebay on a Million Dollar Man body WWE Superstars figure. Gloves and shorts form Figures Inc w/ Mr T's boots...[See More]
Naoya Inoue the Monster Japan Boxing figure (Boxing)
by csuperstar
Made the Monster from a modified Funaki head on a Bob Orton Eite figure and Figures Inc shorts. Hes fighting my sons custom Little Mac! Belts are from Mike Tyson Storm Collectibles....[See More]
Goodfellas Ray Liotta Henry Hill figure (Movie Maniacs)
by csuperstar
Henry Hill from one of my favorite movies, Goodfellas! Head is a custom from ebay on a Neca Xanatos body....Everybody Takes a Beating Sometime......[See More]
Superman Legacy: David Corenswet Movie figure concept (Superman)
by csuperstar
I found this Corenswet head on ebay. It took over a month to arrive from China, but I'm really pleased with the quality and color. I hated the original head on this figure and was glad to replace it....[See More]
Miller/Romita Jr Marvel Select Daredevil (Marvel Select)
by csuperstar
Repainted the Marvel Select Daredevil to more accurately look like my favorite comics from the Romita Jr and Frank Miller eras. Looking for a better billy club now!...[See More]
Yojimbo Toshiro Mifune Sanjuro Mulberry Kurosawa Samurai (Samurai)
by csuperstar
Yojimbo made from a Mifune Casting Cave head+sword and an Anime Heroes Bandai Abari Renji. Will probably add decals for the round symbols and paint the belt black sometime. Very impressed with the...[See More]
Mego Gil Gerard Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (Mego)
by csuperstar
Found a Custom head on Ebay, wanted a decent Buck that looked like Gil for a long time. Parts from classictvtoys....[See More]
John Buscema Diamond Select Classic Thor (Marvel Select)
by csuperstar
Marvel Select Classic Thor, man I hated this figure when it came out. I always thought it looked off and was going to sell it. I only painted the tunic black and used some black lines based on...[See More]
Dolph Lundgren He Man Masters of the Universe Mattel Movie (Masters of the Universe)
by csuperstar
Had an old Dolph He Man head made from a Jakks Drago from a He Man Movie Custom I made years ago that just couldnt stack up to the current body. Switched the modded Drago head out with the Jan...[See More]
Smokey and the Bandit Bo Darville Burt Reynolds (Movie Maniacs)
by csuperstar
the Bandit! I couldnt afford a Ertl Bandit so I made my own. Just wish I could find a Trans Am big enough for him to ride in. Hope you like him....[See More]
Remo Williams the Destroyer Novel Figure (Marvel Legends)
by csuperstar
Remo Williams the Destroyer from the novels/1990's Marvel Comics series. I used a modified Punisher head and Netflix Luke Cage body....[See More]
Roy Hobbs The Natural Robert Redford Pro Action Lineup (NHL)
by csuperstar
Roy Hobbs from the The Natural, he can actually hit the baseball! Used an Griffey jr body and Hockey head that looked like Redford. Hat from a WWE Diva....[See More]
Amazon Prime Jack Reacher Alan Ritchson (WWE)
by csuperstar
Wanted a Netflix Jack Reacher but can't afford a $50 Smallville Aquaman head that looks too young anyways. Jack is made from an F9 Cena and ML Steve Rogers head. Had to cut and shorten the neck stem...[See More]
Classic Buck Rogers TSR/Comic figure (Buck Rogers)
by csuperstar
Began working on a Gil Gerard TV Buck and wanted to make one off the awesome TSR art and daily strip comics. Head is from a alternate DC Orion and the body is a repainted/modded Fortnite Levithan....[See More]
Dirty Harry Callahan Clint Eastwood Marvel Legends (Marvel Legends)
by csuperstar
Casting Cave head on a painted Hasbro ML Professor X. I have a 12" Dirty Harry but wanted to get one in 6" scale with a .44 Magnum from a Coneheads figure...since I can't find my NECA Hartigan. Hope...[See More]
Jackie Chan Spartan X Asian Hawk - Police Story (Martial Arts)
by csuperstar
Man was I bummed as a kid when the comics Jackie Chan Spartan X comic figure from Image was cancelled. Its more or less an amalgam of his films. I saw the head on Casting Cave and thought it would...[See More]
NBA Heroes Michael Jordan Marvel Legends size (NBA)
by csuperstar
NBA Heroes Michael Jordan, made after watching the Last Dance and being reminded just how great he was. Custom head on Derrick Rose body/modded jersey, though it had to be folded under and pulled...[See More]
Dale Murphy Atlanta Braves Baseball Power Alley Nike Poster (Real People)
by csuperstar
If you were a Braves fan in the 80's...theres a good chance you mightve had this poster on your wall! The 82-83 MVP was made from a Multiverse Lex Luthor with WWE head and Mcfarlane bat...with some...[See More]
Displaying customs 1 - 30