Customs by Jin Saotome
CyberTrump (Marvel Legends)
by Jin Saotome
"Elon, I love your inventions. All the inventions, ooh what's this one called?" "Mr President that's, Elonium. It-it'll revolutionize electrical, um...well everything. Imagine unlimited energy, I...[See More]
Blackheart (Marvel vs Capcom)
by Jin Saotome
Never satisfied with the Blackheart figures that come out (hey as of 2024 there's a new BAF one!) I've gone and created a sprite-based Marvel vs Capcom 2 Blackheart using a movie Venom body,...[See More]
Cable (Marvel Legends)
by Jin Saotome
Since the Deadpool and Wolverine movie has opened itself up to so many new characters and multiverse variants, I figured why not make a couple? So here's Cable done up in marvel legends MCU style...[See More]
Metroplex (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
This is the largest custom I've done so far, introducing a Generations 'G1' style Metroplex that comes with a new DELUXE SCALE Scamper, Sixgun, and Slammer! This is a huge figure and comes with...[See More]
Blade (Marvel Legends)
by Jin Saotome
This was the Blade I created for my personal collection made from the basic Netflix man-thing wave Blade with a Multiple man coat and arms and Mordo lower legs. I added the chest crest, sword that...[See More]
Man-Thing (Marvel Legends)
by Jin Saotome
It's Man-Thing, repainted and with added foliage! Basically just a stock BAF Man-Thing from the Netflix legends wave repainted with Testors Aztek, Army Painter quickshade effects, and all sorts of...[See More]
Cobra Trooper Officer (G.I. Joe Classified)
by Jin Saotome
Here's a quick and nifty troop-building custom, the Cobra Officer! Having a Cobra Commander head left over from the Red Shadows custom I carefully removed the helmet by heating it and hollowed out...[See More]
Red Shadows Trooper (G.I. Joe Classified)
by Jin Saotome
Here's a baddie that originally debuted in the Palitoy Action Force line, the Red Shadows Trooper! This one was created in 6" GI Joe Classified scale using a Cobra Commander body, ML Starlord arms,...[See More]
Megatron (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
Black helmet Megatron was one of my favorite versions of him after reading so many of the Marvel comics. Here I took the Netflix Siege Megatron and fixed his hands so they align straight when opened,...[See More]
Clan leader Predator (Predator)
by Jin Saotome
While the retail NECA Clan Leader predator was pretty nifty it left me wanting the color scheme and look of the original toy from my childhood. Here I took the Clan Leader and 'Kennerized' him by...[See More]
Robotor (Masters of the Universe)
by Jin Saotome
Here's a Masters of the Universe Roboto Clone, Robotor! Is he friend or foe, how was he created, what does he want? That story is up to you! Here I took a spare Roboto Torso and matched it up with...[See More]
Stalker Predator (glow in the dark) (Predator)
by Jin Saotome
A couple years ago I picked up the NECA Alien/Predator Kenner tribute figures and customized them to be, well more "Kennerized" for my tastes. Here's the glow in the dark Stalker Predator with mods....[See More]
Alien Vs Predator set (Alien vs Predator)
by Jin Saotome
Here's a throwback to the vintage Kenner Alien vs Predator 2-pack using the new Lanard 7" Jungle Hunter Pred and a mashup of a Runner and Drone alien. The Runner's hands, tail, and head were modded...[See More]
Renegade Predator (Predator)
by Jin Saotome
Here's another Lanard Predator custom, this time done up as a Kenner Renegade Predator. The original clear figure was dissembled, primered with Adhesion Promoter, painted with Testors Acryl and...[See More]
Jungle Hunter Predator (box art) (Predator)
by Jin Saotome
The new 7" Lanard Toys Predator figures are perfectly in scale with Marvel Legends, they just need a little paint and some tweaks! here I took one of the clear Jungle Hunter Predators and created a...[See More]
Roton (Masters of the Universe)
by Jin Saotome
Seeing of these new Masters of the Universe Origins figures really takes me back, especially the fact they're the same scale and overall look of the vintage figures! This means they'll work with your...[See More]
Servbot (Marvel vs Capcom)
by Jin Saotome
Look like you're going to be crouching a lot to attack because you're up against Marvel vs Capcom's SERVBOT! Otherwise known as 'Kobun' this diminutive little fellow is one of megaman Legends Tron...[See More]
Slitherfang (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
Some kinds of plastics are extremely resistant to paint no matter what you do. These are usually toughened waxy plastics/superhard plastics like polyoxymethylene that make up parts of a figure that...[See More]
Luke Skywalker (Dark Empire) (Star Wars)
by Jin Saotome
Check it out, here's a comic style 'Dark Empire' Luke Skywalker that I constructed from a Kylo Ren body, Yavin Luke head, Vader belt/inner cape, old toybiz monsters Dracula cape, and Game of Thrones...[See More]
Steelworks (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
Here's another experiment in dying Transformers, particularly the unpaintable plastic ramps of Autobot Ironworks. I used RIT DyeMore red mixed with more water than last time and the ramps came out a...[See More]
Fracas & Shrute (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
Some kinds of plastics are extremely resistant to paint no matter what you do. These are usually toughened waxy plastics/superhard plastics like polyoxymethylene that make up parts of a figure that...[See More]
Death's Head (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
It's time for another custom, yes? This time I've gone and whipped up the Transformers most lethal adversary, Death's Head! He's been created in his green and yellow G1 look using an Impactor body,...[See More]
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
by Jin Saotome
Let's take a trip into the Star Wars universe and envision what if Luke Skywalker appeared in an episode of the Mandalorian during season 2? Well here's my take on Luke as he continues his training...[See More]
Skywarp (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
This week I've created Skywarp in Bumblebee-movie-syle similar to the Starscream I made earlier. The body is a Nitro Zeus/KSI Boss mold and a Shapeways shop Ariel's Customs Seeker faceplate on a...[See More]
Neo vs Agent Smith (Matrix)
by Jin Saotome
This week I've whipped up a Matrix style showdown between Mister Ander...I mean Neo and Agent Smith done Marvel Legends scale! Neo was created using a Starlord body/lower arms, Shatterstar upper...[See More]
Cop-Out (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
Many years ago I created a Cop-Out custom and after finding another Dirt Boss decided to give it another go! This time I preserved the exhaust-flip feature and used a Combiner Wars Rook head. Cop Out...[See More]
Raiden (Metal Gear Solid)
by Jin Saotome
Here's a nifty custom of Metal gear Solid's Raiden with an armor-upgrade feature. He was created using the hasbro Overwatch Genji body and Revoltech Raiden head (with moving eyeball!), various armor...[See More]
Pretender Bludgeon (Marvel Legends)
by Jin Saotome
Ready for something really unique? Here's a Transformers/Marvel Legends Crossover Bludgeon! He was created using the Silver Samurai body and heavily modded helmet, Ghost Rider head, War Machine...[See More]
Vehicon (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
It took a while but he's finished, a Siege style Vehicon based off the Decepticon Brute/Drone from War for Cybertron game. Vehicon was made from an upscaled Sideswipe KO, modded Dinobot ConstructBots...[See More]
Starscream (Transformers)
by Jin Saotome
With Optimus Prime, Soundwave, and other Transformers getting a G1 makeover in the Bumblebee movie last year I figured it was time for Megatron's second in command to receive the same treatment....[See More]
Displaying customs 1 - 30