
Comic Strips by Rogue
Gambit Vs. Nightwing Bratz! created by Rogue
In the back alleys of Gotham a mysterious thief appears so Nightwing goes to investigates and comes face to face with a new challenge!...[See More]
MCollector -
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Nice comic and,again,love that Bratz Phoenix,lol !
Rogue -
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thank you MC!
Davey Blaze Customs -
Monday, February 25, 2013
Haha, nice
Gambit Vs. Jackket Knightmare created by Rogue
Long time Gambit fan Cassy has turned her affections towards another character, Jackket Knightmare of her own creation. Now Gambit will meet this other character and they will compete for her love....[See More]
MCollector -
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hey,that Knightmare it's just great! I guess you added a character on my "to do" list!
Rogue -
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Thank you, MCollector! If you do please let me know I can put a pic of him in my next printed issue! Oh and if you need reference pics pm me.
MCollector -
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Ok,when I do it,you'll be the first to know! I think this should take a week,but I'll tell you. By now,thanks for the character,it's really cool!
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