King of the Hill (Toycom) Checklist
King of the HillArlen, Texas... Home of the Strickland Propane, BBQs and Hank Hill. When Hank's not at work selling propane and propane accessories, he's at home with his family and friends. Join Hank and the rest of the gang as they try to solve daily problems while creating a few of their own.
King of the Hill Universe More King of the Hill

King of the Hill (Toycom) Checklist

Series 1
King of the Hill - Series 1
Released in 2002 by Toycom
Army Sergeant Barber Divorcee Cross-Dresser "I'm so God-awful lonely. Please take me home."
King of the Hill - Series 1
Released in 2002 by Toycom
Next-Door Neighbor Exterminator Conspiracy Theorist "Don't let 'em scan the bar code!"
King of the Hill - Series 1
Released in 2002 by Toycom
Propane Salesman Family Man Narrow Urethra "What in the heck did you tell 'em that for?"
King of the Hill - Series 1
Released in 2002 by Toycom
Mother Housewife Substitute Teacher "There is no rest for a substitute teacher."
Series 2
King of the Hill - Series 2
Released in 2003 by Toycom
Faithful Son Aspiring Comic Fashion Model "I'm afraid of being felt up."
King of the Hill - Series 2
Released in 2003 by Toycom
Confirmed Bachelor Ladies' Man Incomprehensible "Dang ol' blister pack. I'll tell you whut."
King of the Hill - Series 2
Released in 2003 by Toycom
Aspiring Beautician Jr. College Student Christian Puppeteer "It's important to always know your name."
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