Jay & Silent Bob (Graphitti Designs) Checklist
Jay & Silent BobThe troublesome two are back! Those two would be the street wise Jay and the giant Silent Bob. Bored with causing trouble on the street, the two have been inducted into a figure form. Straight from their first movie "Clerks", the duo are prepared to cause as much mayhem as possible!
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Jay & Silent Bob (Graphitti Designs) Checklist

Basic Series
Jay & Silent Bob - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Graphitti Designs
* 16-points of articulation. * Genuine Synthetic Hair. * Removable Cloth Jacket. * Two (2) additional, interchangeable hands. * Removable Flight Goggles. * Blunt-Saber. * Three (3) Marijuana Thr. . .
Jay & Silent Bob - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Graphitti Designs
* 16-points of articulation. * Genuine Synthetic Hair. * Two (2) additional, interchangeable hands. * Suzanne the Orangutan. * Multi-functional Banana. * Odorless Poop-on-foot Prop.
Jay & Silent Bob - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Graphitti Designs
If you've lived in the tri-town area even for ten minutes, you're familiar with this chatty half of the Somnombulic Duo. Jay's the guy everyone knows - from the angry fathers who've turned on their d. . .
Jay & Silent Bob - Basic Series
Released in 1998 by Graphitti Designs
Push his button to your hearts content… His name is Silent Bob after all! The heterosexual lifemate of Jay, Silent Bob is far more than the sum of Jay's nicknames for him ("Lunchbox". . .
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