Crocodile Hunter (N2 Toys) Checklist
Crocodile HunterNow you can share in the death-defying adventures of wildlife warriors Steve and Terri Irwin as they rescue and study animals all over the world.
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Crocodile Hunter (N2 Toys) Checklist

Basic Series
Crocodile Hunter - Basic Series
Released in 2000 by N2 Toys
with Freshwater Crocodile and Wombat
Crocodile Hunter - Basic Series
Released in 2000 by N2 Toys
with Taipan, Death Adder and Tiger Snake
Crocodile Hunter - Basic Series
Released in 2000 by N2 Toys
with Goanna and Sui, the Irwins' Dog
Crocodile Hunter - Vehicles
Released in 2000 by N2 Toys
Contains: * Outback Dirt Bike * Red Kangaroo * Capture Snare Loop Like so many Australian animals, the red kangaroo is a marsupial. The baby is born very small and stays in its mother's pouch for th. . .
Crocodile Hunter - Vehicles
Released in 2000 by N2 Toys
Contains: · Inflatable-style Dinghy · Outboard Motor · Oar · Saltwater Crocodile During the 1960s, "Saltys" of more than 18 feet in length were common. These &q. . .
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