Getting into a line late has its drawbacks, Super7's Thundercats Ultimates line being a good example. It wasn't until around when wave 10 or 11 got revealed that I started getting the figures, missing out on some of the long sold-out figures and exclusives, including Slithe. He was $45 at release, before the Ultimates price hike, and he's now worth up to $150 on eBay. The thought of getting him was priced out for me, but guess who happened to be one of last year's Christmas gifts?
The Reptilian leader of the mutants isn't a pretty face, but we all know how good Rankin-Bass was at designing all sorts of strange creatures. Slithe has a great portrait, done by Four Horsemen Studios, in one of the first Thundercats figures they did for Super7 and not Mattel. He has big, fin-like ears, making...[See More]
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